
GIS / Screening Tool

Screening Tool Website

Screening Tool Website

SA Airspace KMZ File

The Screening Tool

The Screening Tool also provides site specific EIA process and review information, for example, the Screening Tool may identify if an industrial development zone, minimum information requirement, Environmental Management Framework or bio-regional plan applies to a specific area.

Some of these documents can then be accessed through the Screening Tool via links, for consideration during screening.

Further to this, the Screening Tool identifies related exclusions and/ or specific requirements including specialist studies applicable to the proposed site and/or development, based on the national sector classification and the environmental sensitivity of the site.

Finally, the Screening Tool allows for the generating of a Screening Report referred to in Regulation 16(1)(v) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, as amended whereby a Screening Report is required to accompany any application for Environmental Authorisation and as such the tool has been developed in a manner that is user friendly and no specific software or specialised GIS skills are required to operate this system.